Month: July 2022

Keep up a regular exercise programme.

After middle age, 50 years plus, adults lose 3% of their muscle strength every year on average.

We start losing muscle tone fairly quickly when we become inactive. Sometimes, periods of inactivity can be due to factors largely beyond our control, for example, sickness, injury, rehabilitation, or even mandatory isolation due to COVID.

The best way to limit the extent of loss of muscle strength and tone is by staying active through life.

Our iDanceDaily online classes are introducing a lot of joyful physical activity to subscribers who want to establish and maintain strong and fit physical condition. These daily workouts are fabulous to do from the comfort of your home, office, hotel room, park or poolside.

Winter Wonderland Ballet class – July 2022

We are very excited to announce the release of both our beautiful Winter Wonderland Ballet Playlist and First Yoga Class.

Our Winter Wonderland Ballet class is filmed entirely in the centre, which means without the support of a ballet barre or chair. Having said that, of course you are most welcome to use a barre or chair until you feel you have built up sufficient strength and balance to undertake this class in the centre.

We have used music from Nigel Gaynor’s beautiful CD’s ‘Emotions’ and ‘Passions’.

Our Yoga class with Amelia Sagrabb is fabulous for a reasonably intensive stretch. This is a good class for anyone who has a basic idea of yoga exercises and poses.

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