Jeremy (Jay) Hay

Musician & Producer

isunray (said eye-sun-ray) from Wellington, New Zealand is the moniker of producer Jay Hay –  Jeremy (Jay) Hay – making composed electro-pop that is both cinematic and sculptured with shimmering synths, crisp beats and warm vocals to live and love to.

As a teenager, Jay got deep into synthesizers, drum machines and all things electronic before almost dying from a rare brain sickness, completely forgetting how to play music at all.

“I remember staring at my keyboard, knowing in my head that I could play, but not actually knowing how to physically get my hands to make the music. It was a dark time.”

Some months later, after coming back to full health, he turned his back on his studies to take “just one year off” to do a music course. That one-year course led to seven years as a full-time musician playing venues up and down the country.

Eventually, deciding that he needed something formal to show for all his years gigging, Jeremy (Jay) Hay did a three year music degree.

With the development of new technologies he was finally able to go back to his roots and make the music he’d always heard in his head and isunray was born.

Contact details

LISTEN to isunray through all major streaming sites.
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